The situation that the Mexican Government has in front of its
people is interesting, because for it is not important, only at election’s time.
The health sector in Mexico leaves a lot to be desired, as much in public as in
private, to talk about public sector is talking about a trip of horror for the
patient, since it’s driven by a hungry syndicalism of power and money where the
less important is the health in themselves and thereby, less the patient, in
the private the business between insurers and doctors is round-trip, since the
patient doesn’t look like a person otherwise like a customer, clarifying not in
all cases but in the most.
We are not against that the medicine sells, because after all we
live in a capitalist world, but is true the medicine has ethics and it is known
like bioethics, that in this country is not known, it is different, in this
context we will get to our study the terminal patient.
The terminal patient is an important part in the study for the
bioethics, since it gives beginning and end to the person’s dignity as such.
The bioethics is the ethics applied to the medicine, but from therapeutic point
of view ethics is like the congruence in the person, or of a system.
terminal patient in addition to fight, to feel and to cope with his illness, has
to confront a system of negligent health in a lot of senses, where the relation
medical-patient many of the times doesn’t exist or it’s not enough, the palliative
medicine and the psychiatric and psychological attention as much to the patient
like the family, it’s very little or void, since, appointments that it’s
granted to them are very lengthy, regarding the forecast of the patient, thanks
to the Mexican law that simply doesn’t chase social welfare, but yes the
political proselytism.
bioethics in this country is one of the few things that matter least, since,
there’s very little knowledge in the population, and to Mexican Government doesn’t
interest to spread it out for its town.
In this investigation we’ll go on board from the point of view of
the terminal patient and the absence of bioethics in this country.
The concept of terminal patient, we define it as the one it can be
applicable like to people that suffer any pathology that is found in final
stage of his life without possibilities of recuperation, either because the
specific cure is not known to the condition that had or because the state
advanced of disease doesn’t enable any improvement at all.
The notion of terminal patient implies a great level of complexity,
since it involves the idea of death and a life coming to an end.
But, what is a terminal illness? It’s that one in that the patient
no longer has any possibility of getting better, since solution isn’t known or
because the condition doesn’t represent possible retroversion, in the terminal
illness show up a series of characteristics that presents an advanced,
progressive, incurable disease, the lack from reasonable possibilities of
response to the specific treatment, the presence of numerous problems or
intense, multiple, multifactorial and changing symptoms, a great emotional
impact in patient, family and therapeutic team, very pertaining to the
presence, explicit or no, of death, a forecast of lower life to 6 months.
Diseases like these can take a patient to make terminal; cancer,
AIDS, motor neuron diseases, specific organic failure (kidney, heart, liver
etc.)... They keep these
characteristics, in bigger or smaller measure, in the final stages of disease.
In this context play a role very important the alleviative
medicine and the thanatology.
mission of the alleviative medicine is helping the patients with serious or
terminal disease to feel good and to accept her process of life and death,
treat symptoms, side effects of disease and the treatments. Have impact on all
the spaces of life and of the life of the members of the family. As well as the family confronts stress during
a disease that can provoke fear, anxiety, despair or depression.
The thanatology is death's
scientific knowledge, its rites and significance conceived like professional
discipline, which integrates the person as a biological, social and spiritual
being to live in plenitude, is just like the thanatology is defined. A most
concrete definition is regarding it as the study of the life that includes death.
Of the Greek origin “thanatos” (death) and “logy” (study or
treaty), the objective of the thanatology is providing to the patient with a
disease in terminal stage and to theirs families professional help.
But, what does a dignified death? The quality of life during this
final stage, the adequate attention, the help to solve problems, to die
surrounded of affectionate people, not to be object of experimentation, to
respect and to give the patient pleasure, to present real options for his
present-day situation, not to give false expectations.
Kübler Ross has conceived death like “a passage toward another
kind of life”, described that the terminal patient spend by 4 stages, many of
them in their phase of agony and previous to death:
Denial: Deny reality looking for other options or looking for
evidences that show the diagnosis that they receive is an error and consequently
they want to change doctor.
Wrath: The patient revolts against reality.
Pact: Assumes his condition.
Depression: Appear when the patient is conscious that all phases
fail and that disease obeys its course toward the ending.
Acceptance: During this stage you are solving several processes,
problems or situations that help the patient accept his condition.
Then categorically talking we’re in the face of a mourning, but a
mourning takes place not only for the death of a loved one, losses constitute a
phenomenon a lot ampler, and for better or worse, general and lose not only by
death but also being abandoned, changing and moving on.
One of the most important points inside the thanatology is its Autonomy's
principle allows the individual taking his own decisions related with the
process of dying. The person’s dignity is understood only through
respect for freedom.
For instance, they can get certain actions, from the realization
of testaments, inheritances, responsibilities, or early wills where the biolaw
would enter in your care.
To be in the terminal stage of a disease is definitely one of the
most difficult situations that a human being can face, but depends on each
individual the way in which effectively it’s done: Some lose every hope, while
other ones devote themselves to faith and get ready at least spiritually of
better way to receive the final stage.
Well, we’ve observed and
analyzed the context of the terminal patient in general, now we’ll focus on
will begin giving a brief context of the Mexican system of health, to
give us an idea as this is linked to the terminal patient.
bioethics has collected academic autonomy and social diffusion, when human and
the ethical requirements derived of her protection have discussed problems
related with the origin and end of life.
fundamental value of life orders unavailability and the sacredness of the same.
The right to life is the first right and it´s fundamental (without being
absolute), because without it everybody else (including freedom) are
non-existent. The respect to life, as well as its defense and promotion, both
of others as their own, represent a human being's ethical important mandate
that we have to respect always. It is the most sacred thing that we have; the
life of each is unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable, unbreakable.
Such respect to the human life is understood in all his stages of manifestation,
from the moment of conception (fertilization) until the last moment (total
brain death).
Like already have mentioned
it the terminal patient in Mexico besides dealing with his disease he faces to the negligence's system, a system known as social
security, that would have like objective organizing the right to the health,
the medical attendance, the protection of livelihoods and the necessary social
services for the individual and collective well-being of the workers, as well
as the granting of the pensions guaranteed by the State.
With a series of reforms done to the law, not seen by the
patient's interest if not for political ideologies and corruption in the system,
it seems that the individual's integrity is not important in Mexico and a lot
less human rights.
The social security in Mexico counted itself like a paternalistic
vision on behalf of the State in protecting her citizens, giving as such a
welfare state that is the main objective of this system and takes us to the
following issue:
Does exist the welfare state in Mexico?
We would begin by analyzing that the welfare state is an ideal
model where the State assumes the primary responsibility of the well-being of
his citizens, as we mention it previously, in theory and under the constitutional
Mexican frame, it exists, but, really the Mexican State actually has been
defender of the famous welfare state in our lives as Mexicans?
So remarking that we have made us this question many times during
last years, when we're observing several reforms in the Mexican Social Insurance
Institute's Law, the Institute of social security for the government employees,
and in the bankrupt reach of the popular insurance.
social security system in Mexico, is riddled with bureaucracy, syndicalism and
negligence, acts as the burning of a nursery, where children die or as the
constant negligence on the part of its staff, as well as the black market
transplant organs, organized crime creating tertiary hospitals where money is
laundered, and taxes are not paid, because the system is built for that.
security refers to the well-being pertaining to the social protection or the
coverage of the needs socially recognized, like the poverty, the old age, the
disabilities, the unemployment, families with children, that is to say, for
there to be a welfare state.
bioethics, understand it like the ethics applied for to all the sciences in
this case the ethics applied for would be social security saying from other way,
dressing with dignity to this branch of science as a human.
abyss we propose is that in a country that feels of first world, with
politicians and lawmakers mediocre, it gives horrible attentions tasteless to
the people.
much to be desired in the welfare state of the State.
that the state of the well-being is an ideal model where the State assumes the
primary responsibility of the well-being of his citizens. This responsibility
is comprehensive, because they’re considered all the aspects of the well-being;
A security system, is not enough it’s universal, because it covers every person,
which gives positive rights legislation.
welfare state refers to the provision of welfare services for the State.
the citizen is victim of your own leaders that suffer from power, where the
welfare state has become a permanent- wealth stadium for them and its heirs
that unfortunately has become in alms of life, for the citizens.
security it aims to protect people, of the contingencies, diseases and
accidents, be or no of work, cessation, unemployment, maternity, temporary and
partial inability, invalidity, old age, marriage, death and any other risk that
can be object of social prevention, as well as of the loads derived of the home life and
the needs of house, recreation that every human being has, contemplated in the
article 4 four of the
Constitution of the Mexican United States.
Security must ensure that people who are in temporary or permanent inability to
earn an income, or that they should assume exceptional financial
responsibilities, may follow satisfying their needs, providing them, for that
purpose, financial resources or determined services. (9)
right to the social security has a constitutional ground that is located on the
fourth paragraph of article 4 of the Constitution of the Mexican United States
which is quoted below:
“Everyone has the right to health protection.
The law will define the rules and forms for access to health services and
establish the concurrence of the federation and the states in matters of public
health, according to established in the section XVI of Article 73 seventy-three
of this constitution” (13)
the article 123 of the same Constitution, in its two sections: A and B abounds about
social security of Mexicans.
expedition of a law for the Creation of an organism integrated by federal
governments, workers and employers is considered a social benefit, that he
manages the resources of the National Housing Fund.
law will regulate the forms and procedures under which employees can purchase the
aforementioned property habitation.
says paragraph XXIX which literally says.- Is public utility the Social
Insurance Law, and it will understand disability insurances, of old age, of
life, of involuntary cessation of the work, of diseases and accidents, of
daycare services and any other, aimed at the protection and welfare of workers,
peasants, no employees and other social sectors and their families. "(10)
for the working class took shape from the Constitution of 1917.
Article 123 establishes, between other measures, responsibilities of the bosses
in industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as the obligation to
observe the legal principles about hygiene and safety.
aforementioned fractions are the more redeemable and fundamental of the social-security
the course of time the Social Insurance Law, was reformed several times, but
the most significant was in 1997 year to privatize the system of pensions, actually
we observe that the law is becoming a ghost of what it was in your underlying
principles of Social Insurance, and it is there where the Bioderecho's mother,
I consider, it's the social-security right, its origin and its motive would be
health and the welfare state of the workers.
We would begin by analyzing that the welfare state is an ideal
model where the State assumes the primary responsibility of the well-being of
his citizens.
theory and under our constitutional frame, exists, but actually, Has the
Mexican State actually been a defender of the so famous welfare state in our
lives as Mexicans?.
notice that the issue here we have prepared it during these last years when
observing several reforms in the Social Insurance Law and in the bankrupt the
Popular Security's reach.
that’s the Popular Insurance according to Government of the republic:
“The Popular Insurance of Health is the
instrument to meet the challenge set out in the 2001-2007 National Health
Program, offering an option of public insurance on the subject of health to the
families and the citizens that for their labor and socioeconomic condition are
not rightful claimants of the institutions of social security.”(11)
in this sense Government of the republic mixes up the term of social work with
insurance topic, and we observe in our juridical literature that is not the
same and we analyze it as follows:
“Article 3.- For the effects of this Law, understanding
as social assistance the set of actions to modify and improve the social
circumstances that impede the development of the individual as well as
physical, mental and social protection of people in need, helplessness physical
and mental handicap, until their incorporation into a full and productive life.
Social assistance includes promotion, forecasting, prevention, protection and rehabilitation.”
our governments together with the legislators have made these two so solidary
concepts and where social security goes hand in hand with social assistance, a
paradise of lies.
begin, the popular insurance term is a misused word since in the insurance, the
organization that aims to manage the State, as we already observe the word insurance
is in theory and practice an institution of social security, not only of social
As we know when talking of Social Insurance we’re talking about
one of the institutions that supposedly is responsible for providing social
security and entered a comparative terms where, the institutions of social
security bring a pension system (bad in IMSS case) which they call cash
benefits and the other benefits in kind, would be known as hospital care, that
in the case of popular insurance does not handle in a matter of cash benefits.
why federal Government is pretending a fictitious social security system
providing a poor reflection of social assistance, because they don't have many
of the medicines.
security is a duty that we have with other ones inside the society; It’s an
human expression in order to take care of each other when we finished the
productive age or some accident or disease forbids us to fend for ourselves. (13)
this context we fall like an example, in the Bioethics Committees
of hospitals, these committees are only in theory, because the IMSS law doesn't
stipulate that have, neither in the ISSSTE or ISSFAM law, then entered in the
conclusion that the committees are gaps in the Mexican legal framework.
Bioethics’ Committee is responsible for systematically and steadily of the
ethical dimension of a) the health sciences, b) the life sciences c) innovative
health policies. Theoretically this committee is composed of various experts,
has multidisciplinary character and its members adopt different approaches with
the intention of resolving issues and problems of bioethics policy, in
particular moral quandaries related to bioethics. Moreover, in addition to become more sensitive to ethical quandaries,
the members of these committees acquired over the time, the knowledge and
abilities necessary to approach the problems more effectively, to the point that
often are the way to solve quandaries whose arrangement seemed impossible to
the beginning, but what happens in our country, not only have been politicized.
doesn’t exist because at least they should have taken a formal Bioethics' course, the
General Health’s Law stipulates that there should be in each hospital must have
an investigation with at least one ethics committee and another scientist.
Under the circumstances, here we see that the social security or
bioethics are essential parts for a good development in the protection of the
health of citizens, and therefore the regulatory framework would be the Biolaw
together with the right to social security.(14)
Well, now we're going to give an overview of several patients,
either at terminal stage, and other diseases, these are some of their
“ I left my job like always, in a hurry, suddenly I felt as my
forces disappeared and I lost consciousness, I woke up after a while in a medical
care center of the cross, there, quickly made me several analyzes and they said
I was sick and to go to my family care clinic, because they were declared
incompetent to the situation, as one of their diagnosis without basis was that
I had an urinary infection, of a doctor who has not degreed and that they have
him working there I don't know why, maybe for some political issues.
So I decided going to my family clinic where I belong, but what
worried me was not my health, if not the way that would react in my work that
they fire me, since my boss has me with the lowest salary in front of the social
insurance institution, sometimes I labored twelve hours and my salary is the
only thing that I have, in order to keep me.
Then I got to my clinic, since 5 in the morning the people get to
leave their health cards at the table of reception out of their corresponding
doctor's office to be attended for the doctor, it was a seemingly endless wait,
and in the best case it can occupy the morning, I decided to wait since I had
no scheduled appointment and decided to wait for the medical assistant, between
so much people I was sleeping when suddenly appears three hours after putting
makeup on and eating and I said her that if please programed me an appointment because
I felt so bad, for my misfortune she told me that she didn’t have appointment up
within a month, that she couldn’t help me, that went for urgencies.
Desperate I went urgencies because my
pain was intermittent, they examined me and make me analyzes, but they just returned
me on to my doctor's office to get appointment again, I did it within a month
and in urgencies only prescribed me paracetamol.
I returned to work next day,
for this the night before I hadn't slept absolutely at all, and on the way to
the work I fainted again, they knocked at the ambulance but this time they
transferred me a private hospital, a familiar, decided to pay the account for
the attention in urgencies, he spend almost all his fortnight and the analysis
neither say it was unplayable, so he decided to help me paying, they did me the
analysis and I saw a specialist and he told me that I had a very advanced
cancer and that the chemotherapies' round cost as much as my house that I'm
finishing to paying by a credit.
So I decided to go already with all my analysis to my appointment
in order that they were moving me of a third level hospital, to my surprise the
doctor was new and newly-arrived with a specialty in family doctor since the
one that I had before was general, and they transferred me to a third level
hospital to take my treatment.”
In Mexico we observe this crossing in most of the patients,
another one, rightful claimant, he wants to know about the advancement of an
injury in the arm that he had incapacitated since three weeks.
“ I arrived since 6 in the morning only to see that the row of
people with injuries or in waiting for result of analysis that was growing up
and growing up, but any reception clerks or doctor was arriving to the
But as in every rule, always there's an exception: In one of the
doctor's offices, doctor appeared, exactly at 6:12 hours, before the reception
clerk, and he began to attend whom already expected him punctually ”
At the end they attended the patient until 11:30 to tell him that
he was on with inability and that he should have gone with a traumatologist to
take care of specialized way his injury; they programed to him the appointment
for the day May 8 in the General Hospital.
Another patient, attended to go on with the treatment of an
asthmatic crisis that suffered five days ago. In his case, the visit to the
clinic lasted for five hours approximately.
Since 5 in the morning he installed in the clinic to place his
health card and in spite of being the second in the row, his consultation took
place over past 9 in the morning, where they were given him a quick review,
consult that consisted with Dr. sitting in her desk in front of her computer,
with an occasional look to the patient, questioning him about how he was felt during
the weekend and how does he feeling at his treatment.
Once he finished, she gave him an appointment for the following
week and she prescribed to him some medications that he had to recibe in the
pharmacy, medications that would help him to avoid a crisis of health again,
but he found out that there was no medication and he had to buy it.
In the emergency's area only there are two family doctor's offices
and one in urgencies, which is why the infrastructure is not enough to take
care of the request of patients.
In other case a termianl patient with colon's cancer, had been to
the hospital more of 52 of weeks, her situation was critical, the bureaucratic
system doesn't admit that be patients with more of 52 weeks to hospitalized and
they have to registrer him/her, in order to deposit him again, and that's what
happened she was discharged her with a colostomy and parenteral nutrition, the
patient that it lasts in your house a week suffers a relapse and he/she
The emotional load for the patient is strong, and to him services
of treatment or thanatology, for him and his family.
In this same case, the relatives that accompany it and go looking
after sleep on the floor don't have peace, and they have to fight with a
deficient security system, where, they demand them entrance card to see their
patient awarded by them.
The waiting is long and the patient is just about to die the
attending doctor gives the news of a very hard way and without humanity, it
seems that the bioethics, doesn't exist, in the system a relative dies, between
everything, they are not offered to psychological attention, and if they want
to make it, they have to ask for appointment, and to do the crossing.
It's sad, observing as the patient is treated like an object, the
system treats him as a thing and sees him like a package in a bed.
In the General Health Law,
mark the key aspects, observing:
Article 166 Encores 3. The
sick patients persons in terminal situation have the following rights: Receiving comprehensive medical attention; To
be admitted in the health institutions when he requires medical attention; To
voluntarily leave the institution of health in which is hospitalized, from
conformity to the applicable dispositions; Receiving a worthy, respectful and
professional deal trying preserving his quality of life; Receiving clear,
opportune and enough information about the conditions and effects of his
disease and the types of treatments which he can choose according to the disease
that he suffers; Giving his informed consent in writing for the application or
no of treatments, medications and palliative cares suitable to his diseases,
needs and quality of life; Ask the doctor to administer medication to mitigate
the pain; Give up, leave or refuse at any time to receive or continue treatment
to consider extraordinary; Choose to receive palliative care in a particular
home; Designate a family member, legal representative or a trusted person for
the case that with the advance of the disease, be prevented from expressing his
will, do it on his behalf; To receive spiritual services, when requested by
him, his family, legal representative or person of trust; and other laws
It is interesting as the article of the Law is very clear however
it doesn't perform literally, the patient is not cared with personalized
attention, if he is seen only like a number or like a disease.
We will continue describing the Law.
Article 166 Encores 4. Every grown-up, in full use of his mental
faculties, can, at any time and regardless of her state of health, leaving his
will in writing in front of two witnesses, to receive or not any treatment, in
the case he got to suffer a disease and being in terminal situation and don't
be possible for him to manifest said will. The aforementioned document will be
able to be revoked at any time.
To be valid layout will referred to in the preceding paragraph, it
shall adhere to the provisions of this Act and other applicable provisions.
This article is null since in secondary laws it doesn't protect
before who neither how we could talk about a public notary but his scope is
municipal and not federal, the only one is the public hall but he specializes
in mercantile stuff only, it seems that we're jumping gap in gap in Mexico.
Article 166 Encores 8. If the sick person in terminal situation is
a minor, or he finds incapacitated to
express his will, the decisions derived of the rights indicated in this title,
will be assumed by the parents or tutor and in lack of these his legal
representative, person of his confidence of legal age or judge in accordance
with the applicable dispositions.
Interesting but this fastens to that justice is prompt and
expeditious, thing that in paper, sounds good but in practice judge's resolution
can take long long time, for the case that the terminal patient in most
instances has died.
Article 166 Encores 11. In cases of medical urgency, and there's
incapability of the sick person in terminal situation to express his consent,
and in the absence of relatives, legal representative, tutor or man of trust,
the decision of applying a medical surgical procedure or necessary treatment,
will pass for the specialist and or for the Bioethics Committee of the
It sounds good it reads better, but a lot of hospitals in Mexico
don't know what is bioethics and a lot less consider necessary Bioethics
Although there is a difference between justice and right, many
times the right, most of times in this country does not chase justice. So, that
falls into a legality kind of barbarity, making of the statistics its social
and lucrative intentions, taking away the basic principles of justice. It plead
so for a Law not formalistic, no dogmatic, no anti-historic, but for a right
inserted in his social changing reality, facing the future, that not only
regulate situations now established, but also the new realities, in which there
are no precedents. Here the judge, the operator of Law, in the case of the
theme that develops, should to request the collaboration from other connected
sciences to the theme, like biology, medicine and ethics, for recognize and
establish together the principles and basic standards, that they allow
combining the scientific investigation and its responsibility with the protection
of human person and its dignity, that is specific tasks of ethics and the
right, through the biolaw.
We are a town on growing,
consolidation and in evolution, the impact of other cultures; that is learning
to walk, to value and know ourselves; that we have negatives sides, and that we
have to have more emotional intelligent, combining ethics and bioethics,
although we are individualists. We are maturing before our difficulty of
working as a team.
Like indicates to corporate
level and having in our legal commercial frame a kind of society that is
interested in associates, the limited-liability company.
The Bioethics is a basic answer based in the dignity of the town
that taking it to a stricter sense brings a consolidation of the Mexican state
like a humanly possible country, that the ideological barriers would not have
grief neither glory, since they would look dim by a humanistic system bringing
everything along to what aspirates the traditionalistic politics.
Politics misses all that the biopolitica would deem as
interference and not like an innovative result that has persecuted Mexico
during a lot of years.
The biopolitics, would brushed aside the class-conscious politics in
which we are immersed and having been to us generations in our walking.
The Mexican politics is sick, is a patient in terminal state,
damaging this country, and bringing with it in degenerate environmental and
social of the town that lives like normality, and this brings it get to the
medicine and the right between its feet.
It is not normal that a Latin American
country, the average citizen cannot dedicate a profession that cost him years
of study and this, are controlled by a corrupt unionism with nepotism, public
transport and is an epidemic out of control by the death of people, that the
police be a criminal with permission, that the media be the fourth political
power, that kill students, kill children in a kindergarten in the state, that
killed religious leaders and social idealists, that kill teachers, kill
everything that has to do with the present of Mexico.
That's why to violence must dedicate
ethics, and to politics Bioethics.
To the law, must be given justice and bioethics, and to the
medicine, humanity and applied ethics and dignity to the terminal patient.
The terminal patient has been forgotten by this country and
therefore the health system in Mexico, the patient, apart from your illness
suffer a series of bureaucratic anomalies, medical malpractice, and labor
movements, bioethics is the answer to give dignity to the patient.
Of legal way the biolaw would give legal respect and juridical
certainty to the patient, the general law of health lacks secondary laws, and
what's interesting is that to the politician, he doesn't matter because is in
his own occupations, here the strange it's that the town doesn't react.
Today it is a big problem; the most insecure that exists,
forgotten for the jurists of the absence of the suitable information, of the
roots of the problematic.
In a country where the right to life is not contemplated in the
constitution, where the Health Service is a business, where social security has
become part of the capitalist system we couldn't expect more.
The bioethics committees in this country are scarce the bioethics
is a someone else's theme, there is not source of job for a bioethicist, it's a
strange race in this country, the human factor has been forgotten.
Do not forget that we can't take off this problem of thousands of
forms of problems facing the country, since it’s art of forgetting of a country
without conscience and that its story is largely invented by a corrupt
political system where democracy was created in 1910 for the masses of
illiterate and not to be held as such.
Where the authorities raze
everything and the society is subdued and absorbed in alms of life.
Where a mother, a fundamental part of the system such as the
country is full of corruption called terminal cancer patient.
Only a
society committed can succeed, the human factor doesn't count in this, politicians
are in their affairs, we lack of awareness and terminal patient died before
being treated by doctors.
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